Near-field measurement advantages
As the near-field measurement plane is typically only a few wavelengths from the device under test, this solution offers the most efficient use of space.
NF-FF mathematical transforms provide true plane wave far-field results, making near-field measurements often more accurate than far-field solutions.
The reduced antenna separation distance required for this application makes testing of electrically large antennas in an indoor facility feasible.
Near-field measurement solutions can provide excellent cross-polarization performance over CATR solutions.
Test enclosures can be significant cost drivers. Reducing the test range volume size or the need for a complete enclosure can provide a significant cost reduction.
Device motion is not required or can be limited in some cases. This can be a significant advantage when testing very large and/or complex antennas that require both high power and dynamic cooling.
Standard near-field measurement systems
We offer standard near-field systems for planar, cylindrical and spherical measurement geometries. Our standard product offerings can be customized to meet your specific measurement requirements.
Best for characterizing electrically large antennas over a limited far-field angular extent (< +/- 80 degrees). Ideal for phased array antenna applications.
Applicable for characterizing antennas with fan beam radiation pattern or when larger far-field angle coverage is required in only one principle plane.
Suitable for characterizing all types of antennas and provides complete spherical far-field measurement data. Available in both phi/theta and theta/phi configurations.
Robotic multi-axis measurement systems
Best for multi-purpose and production antenna test ranges, providing the most flexible and efficient measurement solution available. Suitable for both near-field and far-field applications.
multi-function Measurement Systems
NPM works closely with our customers to provide innovative, multi-function test ranges based on standard products and optimized to maximize on the usability of your facility.