Standard planar near-field (PNF) measurement systems employ a robotic scanner to move a probe antenna over a planar surface located several wavelengths from Antenna Under Test (AUT).   As the planar surface area limits the amount of collected radiated energy, this type of system has a limited Field of View (FOV) and is best suited for characterizing highly directive antennas (i.e. gain > 15 dBi) over far-field angles of less than +/- 80 degrees.

The planar surface can be oriented vertically, horizontally, or even tilted, depending on the orientation of the AUT and its radiated engergy direction.   NPM offers standard vertical and horizontal PNF systems.  Our robotic measurement systems can support PNF measurement for any planar surface orientation, including tilted.

Multi-function Test Ranges

NPM and Antenna Systems Solutions work very closely with our customers to provide innovative, multi-function facilities that are optimized to give great flexibility and maximum usability of your investment.
