The challenge
Test time reduction
Test matrices are expanding as antenna systems become increasingly more complex. Multi-port and multi-antenna systems are being utilized in a multitude of applications as we strive to increase data throughput. Unfortunately, this often leads to increased test times.
The solution
multi-channel Measurements
We utilize modern day multi-port VNAs in our RF systems, including Keysight Streamline Series USB VNA modules. These small VNA modules can be remotely located close to the AUT and source feed or probe antenna to not only reduce measurement time but also improve overall system dynamic range and phase stability performance.

The results
Faster and more accurate
Here at NPM, we are continually researching and developing new & innovative RF system designs that incorporate the latest technology to enhance system measurement performance. Our RF system engineering team has the expertise and tools needed to provide you with a best value solution that will meet or exceed your requirements.
NPM or customer provided RF equipment
We can provide an RF system as part of a turn-key solution, or we can assist you with procurring your own RF equipment. Whether its new or existing equipment, we will ensure that it works seamsly with our measurement system and can meet your overall requirements.

RF System Solution Examples
Explore some of the many RF system solutions we can provide for a variety of antenna measurement applications.

Small Spherical Near-field System
Example of one of our small spherical near-field systems using an R&S VNA. Here we are transmitting through the AUT and receiving at the dual-polarized probe. Rotary joints in the both the Phi and Azimuth rotation stages eliminate the need for RF cable service loops. Amplifiers are incorporated as needed as dictated by the RF power link budget estimate. In this system we are recording both polarization senses from the dual-polarized probe on the two input ports on the VNA.

CATR System
System shown uses a Keysight VNA to generate the RF signal transmitting from the AUT and being received by the CATR feed. Here too, amplifiers are used as needed to meet the specified RF system dynamic range requirement. In the system shown, RF rotary joints are included in each of the rotating axes.

Large Planar Near-field System
In a large planar near-field range, higher cable losses often dictate the need for a distributed frequency conversion system where remote RF modules located close to the AUT and probe are used to convert the AUT RF signal to a lower intermediate frequency (IF) prior to long cable runs between the RF modules and the VNA. In this example, we use a custom LO/IF unit and TX/RX modules to acomodate both AUT transmit and receive modes.

Distributed Frequency RF Systems
Example shown illustrates a typical distributed frequency conversion system using a Keysight PNA along with their 85309A LO/IF unit and 85320A/B mixers. This configuration allows very long cables in the system without degrading system performance. NPM supports legacy Keysight / Agilent / HP RF equipment.